Meet SAM:

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Five!

Left - I Graduated from The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington (Yes...Where Dawson's Creek & One Tree Hill were both filmed) with My Bachelor's Degree in Special Education. I worked as a Desk Receptionist with On Campus Housing while I attended UNCW. GO SEAHAWKS!

* Photo Taken By: Lauren Luce - *

Middle - I Majored in Special Education because I wanted to help Children With Special Needs & Their Families. I grew up going to Kure Beach with My Aunt & Uncle so it is one of my Favorite Places! Also. Britt's Donuts in Carolina Beach has THE ABSOLUTE BEST DONUTS EVER. They're even better than Krispy Kreme Hot Now Donuts. Nothing will change my mind either!

* Photo Taken By: Lauren Luce - *

Right - After I Graduated from UNCW I spent ONE MORE YEAR in College to complete a Birth - Kindergarten Licensure Add-On to My Degree (which means I attended College for a total of Six Years). I'll be completely honest...I was NOT ready to grow up and I did NOT want to leave Wilmington. I still don't feel ready to be An "Adult" (whatever that even is) and I still miss Wilmington. After I moved back Home from College I went on a Mission Trip to Haiti. The Day after I got back from Haiti I had Three Job Interviews (At Two Schools & A Restaurant)!

Left - I spent My Summer after finishing College Serving at a Restaurant before I started Teaching. Long Story Short...Education didn't work out for me. I realized I never had a Passion to TEACH...I had a Passion to HELP PEOPLE. Which are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. So I spent the rest of 2016 Serving. & I actually loved it!

* Photo Taken By: Kat O Photography - *

Middle - County Music is My Favorite Genre and I always wanted to visit Nashville. I was finally able to go for The First Time back in February 2017 (& A Second Time in October 2018). I've always said I'm going to move there one day. I haven't yet...But we'll see what the future holds?!

Right - I Travelled to The Philippines with Family for My Cousin's Wedding in July 2017! We spent time in Tagaytay (where I rode a Pony at Taal Volcano - That actually last Erupted in January 2020), Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort (where I swam in the South China Sea), and Manila (where I saw The City Of Dreams Casino, rode in a Pedicab, as well as explored Old Manila - Intramuros)!


Meet SAM:


Meet SAM: