Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

"I Wanna Be Thirty, & Flirty, & Thriving!"

It all begins with an idea.

* Photographer - Brookelyn Riley Phillips *

"What Is Happening? What Is Going On?"

"Oh This Is A Dream. This Is A Really Weird Dream."

"Something Really Strange Is Happening. I Don't Know What's Happening."

"I Don't Know What To Do. Something Really Weird Is Happening."

“And Then Today I Woke Up And I'm This."

“I’m A Tough B!tch.”

- Jenna Rink From "13 Going On 30"

* Photographer - Brookelyn Riley Phillips *

"Can You Tell I'm Wearing Underwear? Cause I Totally Am."

"It's Because I've Got These Incredible Boobs To Fill It Out.”

"Oh Wait...Make It A Pina Colada. Not Virgin"

"Do You Wanna See My I.D.? Totally Have It."

"Well Maybe If Somebody Played Something Other Than This. Something With A Melody."

- Jenna Rink From "13 Going On 30"

* Photographer - Brookelyn Riley Phillips *

"What Is This Isn't Just A Dream? What If What I Wished For Actually Happened?"

- Jenna Rink From "13 Going On 30"

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

“Life Is Either A Daring Adventure Or Nothing!” - Helen Keller

It all begins with an idea.

* Photographer - Kat O Photography *

* Fun Fact: I enjoy being In Front Of The Camera ALMOST as much as I enjoy being Behind The Camera! *

* Photographer - Kat O Photography *

* I recently saw Photos of Megan Mace McKay (of Megan & Liz - standing in the Pacific Ocean while wearing a Dress in Malibu. I was inspired and told Kat that I wanted to have Similar Photos taken of me the next time I went to visit Wilmington. Kat truly captured me in My Happy Place. Fort Fisher, North Carolina is LITERALLY My Favorite Place in THE ENTIRE WORLD. *

* Photographer - Kat O Photography *

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

“Wherever You Go, Go With All Your Heart!” – Confucius

It all begins with an idea.

I asked a friend of mine to turn a Photo I took into a Painting…

…& She did such a wonderful job on it!

“Well...After living in this WONDERFUL city for almost four years the day has come where it is time for me to leave and no longer be a Wilmington Resident. It is definitely bittersweet and I am a complete bundle of mixed emotions. There are truly not enough words for me to explain what living here in Wilmington has done for me in my life. I am just so thankful that God led me to UNCW and that He allowed me to live in one of the best cities for a short period of time because it has been such a blessing. The past four years have not been the easiest by any means but I am so grateful for them because I know for a fact that I would not have become the person I am today had I not come here to go to School at UNCW. Throughout all of the ups and downs I would not have traded a single day that I spent living here for anything else in the world. I have met some incredible people here, I have made some amazing memories here, and I have learned so much while being here. And I will always carry it all with me as I move back to Concord. I am going to miss this place so much...But I am so glad that Wilmington has always been home and I know that it always will be.”


* June 9, 2016 *

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

* My 29th Birthday! *

It all begins with an idea.

"We Turn Not Older With Years, But Newer Every Day."

– Emily Dickinson

I celebrated My Birthday during The Last Week of April! I'm usually the type of Person who makes a Big Deal out of Birthdays (for others as well as for myself). However...I wanted to enter The Last Year Of My Twenties quietly. 28 wasn't My Favorite Year...For a Variety of Reasons. One of them was being Diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression along with experiencing 3 Losses which meant a lot of Grief as well. After My Diagnosis I realized I have been struggling with both Anxiety and Depression MY ENTIRE LIFE. It just finally affected me so much to the point where it was affecting my ability to function in My Daily Life. I'm normally a VERY OUTGOING Extrovert. Let's just say I got to a point where if I wasn't Working...I was Sleeping. Which is NOT like me whatsoever. That was when I realized something was really wrong and I needed to get help. I went to The Doctor, I began taking Medicine, I started Counseling again, and I was also open about My Struggles with My Friends and My Family.

A lot of people in My Life never knew I have struggled to like myself as a person. Over the years as I've gotten older I have realized how insecure I have been throughout My Life. I never felt like I was good at anything...Well anything other than School. I've always done well at being a Student. Fear has held me back a lot in Life. But I'm tired of it. And as hard as last year was for me in the midst of Anxiety, Depression, and Grief...It did push me to FINALLY pursue Photography. I'm still nervous. A lot. & I worry about not being "good enough." I was afraid people would think I was someone else who was "just trying to be another Photographer." Plus it is also SUPER VULNERABLE to share My Photos. But Life is VERY SHORT. Was I going to keep talking about what I wanted to do...Or actually do it?! I got to the point where I decided I have Art that is worth sharing. I may not be everyone's cup of tea...But someone out there may appreciate what I have to share. Even if it's just ONE Person...Then it would be worth it. It's a challenge to put myself out there like this and share something so personal to me.

I have always been very protective about My Photos. But I also don't want to keep them to myself any longer and need to have a creative outlet. I will admit that I have A LOT to learn. And I'm trying to accept that it will take Trial & Error to feel like I have any sort of clue as to what I'm doing. But I am so appreciative of those who have been here to support me and encourage me along the way as I follow My Dream. It means so much to me. It's truly an honor to have people ask about My Availability. Knowing people want me to take their Photos is one of The Best Feelings EVER! It's only beginning...But I don't think it will get old anytime soon.

I have had this Camera for One Year now...And it was truly what I needed exactly when I needed it. It happened at a time where I felt very alone. I am extremely independent & I struggle to ask for help. I have grown, been humbled beyond belief, and was stretched in ways that I never imagined were possible. Even to the point where I thought I would break. But I didn't. I'm still here. I'm not going to lie though...I still get overwhelmed at times. But I'm still pushing through one day at a time. I still have some Low Days here & there. But overall I do feel stronger as well as more confident in myself as each day passes. It was like once I decided to learn Photography...A Person (A Creative Artist) I've been ALL ALONG who was buried DEEP INSIDE was FINALLY able to express herself after all this time! & She is not going to apologize for being who she is either.

I have been very hopeful for 29. I received so many Birthday Wishes from Friends and Family during The Weekend of My Birthday back in Early May. I was so grateful for every single one of them. I know Life is busy...But sometimes we truly do underestimate the impact we can have in Peoples' Lives. Positive or Negative. In regards to My Anxiety & Depression...I've never wanted to harm myself in any way, shape, or form. The worst it has ever gotten for me personally so far is sometimes I just want to hide and / or disappear for a little while. However I know that isn't always the case for some. I share this so that people know they aren't alone in not feeling okay all the time.

One of The Biggest Lessons I have learned in Life so far and especially from My Travels is that no matter where someone lives, what Language is Spoken / Signed, what Job someone has, how much Education a person has received, what Skin Color someone has, etc. The List could go on. At the end of the day...WE ARE ALL HUMAN. We may have Differences...But I guarantee you we all have more Similarities than not. We all have Hopes, Fears, Struggles, and Dreams. People just want to Love and to Be Loved. We all want to know we matter to someone, are thought of by someone, and cared for by someone. Everyone just wants to be accepted for who they are. Quirks and all. It all sounds so simple and should be easy right? But sometimes it honestly seems like it's the hardest thing for people to do. I'm not sure where you are today Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, etc. But I hope you are able to find a balance as well as learn how to take care of yourself, be there for others, and allow others to be there for you. Truth be told...I'm still working on doing it for myself!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Seven!

Left - One of My Favorite Traditions is going to The County Fair! So much so...That even in The Four Years I was away at College I still came home just to go! My Favorite Ride is The Wave Swinger and I always have to have Fried Oreos!

Middle - I completed My First Half Marathon in Wilmington, North Carolina in November 2019! To this day...It is still The Accomplishment that I am most proud of in My Life so far!

Right - This Photo was taken at Fort Fisher (MY FAVORITE SPOT IN THE ENTIRE WORLD) on Valentine's Weekend in 2020. I had a Galentine's Weekend with Two Sweet Friends! I had no idea how different life would look just One Year Later. A Year Ago...I was working Full Time at a Doctor's Office, Part Time at a Grocery Store, and Training for My Second Half Marathon. In the past year since This Photo was taken I quit Working Full Time to Babysit for a Friend who is a Nurse and I continued working Part Time at a Grocery Store. I wasn't able to complete the Second Half Marathon that I trained for since it got Cancelled (so I deferred My Entry to February of this year but for now it is Postponed until April). I got Diagnosed with Anxiety & Depression. I experienced Grief for The First Time. Two Friends lost a Father, A Friend lost a Sister, and I lost My Grandpa. All in the middle of a Pandemic. However, In the midst of Struggle and Heartache...It led me here.

* Photo Taken By: Emily DiBrito - *

Left - In September 2020 I was asked by A Friend if I would be interested in learning Film Photography. My Response was: 1. Does anyone still do that?! 2. OF COURSE!" That was when I met who I call 'My Photography Mentor' who has now become Family. Neil took this Photo of me The Second Time we met. This is My "Focused Face." He brought a Tripod and A Digital Camera so I could practice. Since then I have bought a Film Camera and Neil is slowly but surely teaching me about Photography. This was EXACTLY The Bright Light I needed during a Dark Time in My Life.

* Photo Taken By: Neil Talley *

Middle - In October 2020 I decided I was going to FINALLY & OFFICIALLY pursue Photography. In November 2020 I reached out to A Friend and asked if she would let me take Photos of her so I could get some practice. During The Photo Session she wore this hat. I jokingly asked her to take photos of me while wearing it afterwards. & They actually weren't half bad. She told me: "I'm totally getting you a Hat for Christmas!" I thought she was kidding. Sure enough...Christmas rolls around and she tells me she has a gift for me. Wouldn't you know it...I now have My Own Hat to wear. I've had a few people reach out to me and ask if I would take Photos for them and I've also reached out of people asking if they would be interested in allowing me to practice taking Photos of them. I ended up receiving Three Christmas Cards with Photos on them that I took. Talk about surreal. I have no idea what This New Journey will hold...But for now I want to enjoy this Hobby. I don't have many plans this year. I just want to take one day at a time and learn as I go!

Right - In January 2021 I FINALLY cleaned out A Building that is going to be My Dark Room! This is me with The Enlarger that My Photography Mentor helped me get and set up! I will still take Digital Photos....But I am really looking forward to learning about Film Photography!

* Photo Taken By: Neil Talley *

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Six!

Left - I went on a Mission Trip to Zambia, Africa in October 2017! We spent time serving at a University as well as visiting Local Schools. On our Free Day we went to a Reserve where we went on a Safari as well as Walked A Cheetah!

Middle - In 2017 I spent time Serving, Babysitting, Housesitting, Dog Sitting, Substitute Teaching, as well as Travelling (when I wasn't working of course)! In 2018 I started working Full Time at The Front Desk of a Doctor's Office. I didn't Travel as much in 2018 but I did go to A LOT of Concerts! Listening to Live Music is one of My Absolute Favorite Things To Do! Also...After wanting to go Blonde FOR YEARS, I FINALLY dyed My Hair for The First Time in April 2018 and I've been Blonde ever since. Every now and then I miss being Brunette but I'm not sure sure I'll ever go back?! Besides...The Blonde helps to blend in all of the Gray Hairs that I have!

Right - In 2018 I started My Running Journey after joining a Local Run Club. I completed My First 5K in December 2018 (just Four Months after I sprained My Ankle before I got discharged from Physical Therapy)!

Left - I completed My First 10K in April 2019! I always wanted to walk The Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge when I lived in Charleston, South Carolina one summer while I was in College, but I never did...So I decided to just sign up for The Cooper River Bridge Run!

Middle - I Travelled to The West Coast For The First Time in July 2019 & got to put My Feet in The Pacific Ocean! While in Oregon I visited Eugene, The Heceta Head Lighthouse, Cape Perpetua, Portland, Mount Hood, & Astoria!

Right - I Travelled to The West Coast For The First Time in July 2019! While in Washington State I visited Poulsbo, Gig Walk, as well as Seattle!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Five!

Left - I Graduated from The University Of North Carolina At Wilmington (Yes...Where Dawson's Creek & One Tree Hill were both filmed) with My Bachelor's Degree in Special Education. I worked as a Desk Receptionist with On Campus Housing while I attended UNCW. GO SEAHAWKS!

* Photo Taken By: Lauren Luce - *

Middle - I Majored in Special Education because I wanted to help Children With Special Needs & Their Families. I grew up going to Kure Beach with My Aunt & Uncle so it is one of my Favorite Places! Also. Britt's Donuts in Carolina Beach has THE ABSOLUTE BEST DONUTS EVER. They're even better than Krispy Kreme Hot Now Donuts. Nothing will change my mind either!

* Photo Taken By: Lauren Luce - *

Right - After I Graduated from UNCW I spent ONE MORE YEAR in College to complete a Birth - Kindergarten Licensure Add-On to My Degree (which means I attended College for a total of Six Years). I'll be completely honest...I was NOT ready to grow up and I did NOT want to leave Wilmington. I still don't feel ready to be An "Adult" (whatever that even is) and I still miss Wilmington. After I moved back Home from College I went on a Mission Trip to Haiti. The Day after I got back from Haiti I had Three Job Interviews (At Two Schools & A Restaurant)!

Left - I spent My Summer after finishing College Serving at a Restaurant before I started Teaching. Long Story Short...Education didn't work out for me. I realized I never had a Passion to TEACH...I had a Passion to HELP PEOPLE. Which are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. So I spent the rest of 2016 Serving. & I actually loved it!

* Photo Taken By: Kat O Photography - *

Middle - County Music is My Favorite Genre and I always wanted to visit Nashville. I was finally able to go for The First Time back in February 2017 (& A Second Time in October 2018). I've always said I'm going to move there one day. I haven't yet...But we'll see what the future holds?!

Right - I Travelled to The Philippines with Family for My Cousin's Wedding in July 2017! We spent time in Tagaytay (where I rode a Pony at Taal Volcano - That actually last Erupted in January 2020), Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort (where I swam in the South China Sea), and Manila (where I saw The City Of Dreams Casino, rode in a Pedicab, as well as explored Old Manila - Intramuros)!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Four!

Left - This Photo was taken in The Florida Keys. My Grandparents and I stayed in Islamorada. We went Snorkeling. We saw Mile Marker 0 & The Southernmost Point in the Continental United States. I loved Key West!

Middle - I went with My Aunt and Uncle to Tennessee for Easter Weekend during My Second Year of College. I've always loved Tennessee ever since going to Gatlinburg on a Band Trip for a Competition in Eighth Grade!

Right - I went on a Mission Trip in New York City during A Spring Break in College. We stayed in Brooklyn and I remember a few blocks down from the Hotel we stayed at we could see the Statue Of Liberty in the distance. During our Free Time we went to Times Square, walked around Central Park, sang together at Subway Stops, walked The Brooklyn Bridge, & ate at plenty of Restaurants. One of My Favorite Spots in NYC is Grand Central Station!

Left - While I was in College I spent a Summer on a Mission Trip living in Charleston, South Carolina (which is one of My Favorite Cities). The Mount Pleasant Pier is My Favorite Location there!

Middle - While I was in College I Studied Abroad in Belize to complete an International Field Experience! We stayed on The Island of San Pedro most of the time but did spend a week Inland. We stayed in San Ignacio, went to The Belize Zoo, visited Mayan Ruins, and I even spent a day in Guatemala where I went Ziplining for The First Time! One day we also rode a Catamaran to Caye Caulker from San Pedro (and back) after swimming with Sharks as well as Sting Rays!

Right - While Studying Abroad in Belize I got to Visit A School For Students With Special Needs in Belize City with Three Other Special Education Majors. This is the Sign for "I Love You." I never learned American Sign Language growing up, but I took ASL as My Foreign Language in College. I was even able to communicate a little bit with A Teacher and A Few Students who are Deaf the two times that I visited the School. I still want to become fluent in ASL one day!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Three!

Left - For those who had the pleasure of knowing My Grandpa (he was one of a kind and is missed every single day)...Everyone knows how much he loved to Travel. In fact....He was THE BEST Travel Planner I knew. He started My Wanderlust back when he and My Grandma took me to Orlando, Florida for My First BIG TRIP. Which was only the Beginning of A Tradition of going on A Trip with My Grandparents every single year until I was in Community College. By the time I went to a University it was time for me to start planning My Own Trips...But I learned from THE BEST!

Middle - One of My Dad's Favorite Memories with me is A (VERY RARE) Big Snow we got in North Carolina while I was in Sixth Grade!

Right - While I was in High School I went to The Windy City for The First Time with My Grandparents. I still haven't been back to visit since and would like to. My Grandpa was born in Chicago so it of course meant a lot to him. I'm not a big fan of heights...But I remember My Grandpa being so proud of me for going in the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) as well as on the Navy Pier's Ferris Wheel even though I was hesitant to!

Left - This was taken at My Beach Themed / Hawaiian Luau Sweet 16! I remember My Aunt found My First Gray Hair while she curled My Hair. & My Mom made me a Beach Birthday Cake!

Middle - My First Flight was to & from New York City. My Grandparents & I stayed in Times Square. We saw The Lion King on Broadway. I remember being so fascinated while visiting The Statue of Liberty as well as Ellis Island. We also took a Tour of NYC on a Double Decker Bus!

Right - During My Senior Year I learned to play The Guitar for My Senior Project...But I unfortunately haven't played it since. I took Theatre I as an Elective and ended up Auditioning for The Spring Musical: " Bye Bye Birdie!" I was a Featured Dancer, Part Of The Ensemble, & even had my own Solo Line (I was Penelope Ann in "Telephone Hour")! When I Graduated from High School I was absolutely terrified to look into My Future. I had no clue what I wanted to do with My Life. So I decided to stay home and attend Community College for Two Years. I earned My Associate's Degree in Pre-Major Special Education before Transferring to a Four Year University!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part Two!

Left - I attended many Charlotte Checkers Hockey Games while growing up and I still love Hockey to this day! This is me with Their Mascot Chubby (Notice The Old School Colors: Orange & Blue)! I had a Stuffed Chubby (that I still own to this day believe it or not) that I used to carry around with me everywhere. I also still have a few Pucks from when The Checkers would Practice on the Ice before their Games since we got to our Seats Early as Season Ticket Holders.

* Photo Taken By: James J. Shaffer *

Middle - One of My Grandma's Favorite Memories with me are all the times I spent with her, My Grandpa, and My Great-Grandmother at The Lake. I always had so much fun helping My Grandpa drive The Pontoon Boat!

Right - One of James J. Shaffer's Favorite Memories with me is when I attended My First Scottish Highland Games Event and he convinced me to be in the Parade of Tartans with him. J.J. recalls me not being excited about going at first...But I ended up having a great time! So much so that I fell asleep before we even got out of the Parking Lot to leave.

Left - If I remember correctly....I'm pretty sure this Photo was taken in Charleston, South Carolina. I've just always loved this Photo! * Photo Taken By: James J. Shaffer *

Middle - I was a Wildcats Cheerleader for The Boys & Girls Club when I was in Fifth Grade. I enjoyed cheering...But I was afraid to try out for Cheerleading in Middle School and High School so I never did. I did what I did best...& That was study. I've always done well in School. I used to be pretty shy. I Played The Flute in Seventh & Eighth Grade while I was in Middle School. I wasn't Athletic or into Physical Activity of any sort whatsoever. I actually couldn't stand Gym Class...Even through College!

Right - One of My Mom's Favorite Memories with me is when we went to Kings Mountain. My Mom loved the combination of history & hiking but I was not a fan of either due to my young age (I enjoy both now), so while she leisurely walked the one mile around & read the signs, I would RUN from bench to bench (which still cracks her up to this day) to wait for her!

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

Meet SAM:

It all begins with an idea.

The Woman Behind The Camera…

…Part One!

Left - My First Birthday!

Middle - I got diagnosed with a Hearing Loss at Age Three. I have worn Hearing Aids in both ears ever since. My Mom thought I was just stubborn, My Aunt said I never smiled, and My Dad was the only one who understood me when I talked. One of My Mamaw's Favorite Memories with me is right after I got my Hearing Aids. I unfortunately don't remember this...But she recalls that when I heard a noise while looking out the door I asked her: "What's that Mamaw?" & She responded: "A Bird." I had Speech Therapy from My Diagnosis through Kindergarten. I wore Trainers (Assistive Technology) from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Fun Fact: When I talk to someone I never look at their eyes...I read their lips.

Right - I attended The Carolina Renaissance Festival multiple times while growing up. I still enjoy attending it even as an Adult. One of these days I'm going to get one of those Outfits to wear when I attend...I just love them so much! * Photo Taken By: James J. Shaffer *

* A Family Friend & Local Photographer (James J. Shaffer) gave me My First Camera! *

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Stephanie Morrison Stephanie Morrison

"This Is The Story Of A Girl..."

It all begins with an idea.

* Blog Title ~ Song Lyrics - "Absolutely" By: Nine Days! *

For as long as I can remember...I have always loved Photos. I've always loved taking them, being in them, as well as looking at them. When I was in Middle School I remember My Dad got a Gold Canon Powershot...Needless to say it wasn't his for very long because we all know good and well I ended up taking it over! While I was in High School My Parents got me a Black Canon Powershot. That Camera was scratched & broken as well as fixed more times than I can count. In the recent years (when my Black Canon Powershot finally gave out for good) I have become the person I never wanted to be...One who only took Photos on My Camera Phone. It still makes me cringe. I'm a complete Photo Hoarder and take entirely too many Photos that I'm not sure I will ever be able to organize them all. The thing I love most about Photos is they capture memories that you would otherwise forget about. I have wanted to learn more about Photography ever since I Graduated High School. I don't really have any good reasons as to why I never did. Part of me wants to say I was scared and I let fear hold me back. Part of me wants to say that I got busy and Life got in the way. We all know how that happens. & They are both factors that contribute to why it has taken me so long to dive into this Passion of mine. But in reality what I finally realized is...The timing just wasn't right. I also wasn't ready yet. But I am now. As a Photographer...I tell Stories through Photos. So I figured before I share Stories that belong to others...I would first share My Story.

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